Choose to receive an Access Bars session from me. It could change your life!
“ The Bars’ are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. By gently touching these points we can dissolve any limiting beliefs with ease. Having your bars run can create greater possibilities in your life than you can imagine.
Access Consciousness provides you with the tools and techniques to change areas of your life that aren’t working. The thing is, because it is your limitation, you don't see it. By using the tools of Access Consciousness, we will assist you to identify where the limitation is and clear the energy holding it in place. By clearing the limitation, a different possibility can then show up for you. The tools of Access Consciousness are simple for you to use and apply to any area of your life.
Access Bars Therapy will relax your body, soothe your mind and recharge your vitality. Bringing balance to your whole system. This will leave you in a very tranquil and blissful state.
Some of the benefits people have experienced from this gentle touch holistic therapy technique include mental clarity, improved sleep, calmness and inner peace, as well as reduced stress, anxiety, depression, frustration and sadness.