Reiki and Energetic Treatments
How does Reiki work?
We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body though pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.
The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.
Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.
Is Reiki a religion?
Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. Practitioners are not asked to change any religious or spiritual beliefs they may have. They are free to continue believing anything they choose and are encouraged to make their own decisions concerning the nature of their religious practices.
How does Reiki heal people?
Reiki is a type of energy work that originated in Japan. It’s a simple method of light touch that is based on the Asian concept of ki or life energy. A session feels like a glowing radiance that flows through and around you. The experience is very soothing and results in the client entering a wonderful state of relaxation in which one’s worries and cares seem to melt away.
In a session the client lies fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner gently places his or her hands in positions around the head and shoulders, the abdomen and the legs and feet.
By reducing stress, Reiki will improve your health, making it less likely that you’ll get sick. It can also promote the healing process and works well for simple things like headaches, stomachaches, sprained ankles, bee stings and so forth, but can also work alongside regular medical care for more serious illnesses or conditions such as heart disease, cancer and serious injury. Reiki has been known to reduce the negative effects of medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, thus making it easier to follow through with prescribed medical treatment.
What will I feel in a Reiki or Access Bars session?
Everyone experiences different things. Common ‘sensations’ are:
‘Electrical’ currents
Body twitches
Stomach rumbling
Deep relaxation
Visual experiences – such as images and colors
Short pains (these are a good sign, indicating that healing is taking place)
Altered states
Remember that while many of these sensations are pleasurable, the important thing is what you take away from a healing session, i.e. that there is a more lasting benefit than simply an immediate sensation.

Lets Work together
All of life comes to me with ease joy and Glory!