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Our Mission

Many clients tell me that I am the first person who has really listened to them and has taken the time to care. I genuinely love sharing my passion with others. In my practice i use my intuitive abilities and qualifications in Psychology, Kinesiology, Counselling, Reiki and Access bars to heal and release stress, fears, limiting beliefs and energetic blockages from within. We are infinite beings capable of the impossible. Integrating energy healing and daily wellness practices into your life can help you grow and achieve your full potential.

Are you willing to expand the horizons of your thinking?

Do you need to nurture and give yourself more self love?

Are you open to receiving universal love energy and healing?


Bachelor of Psychology and Sociology

Certified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiologist

Mind, Soul, Body wellbeing workshop facilitator

Grad. Dip Human Services Counselling

Certificate 4 in fitness/Reg. Personal Trainer

Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner

Access Bars Practitioner

Access Bars Facilitator

Life Coaching Diploma

Chakra and Crystal healing certificate

EFT Certificate

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